Plant-Insect Ecosystems: Forests

Tuesday, March 4, 2014: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Embassy Ballroom Prefunction (Embassy Suites Greenville Golf & Conference Center)

Walnut alert: A regional outreach plan to slow the movement of thousand cankers disease through education
Jerome F. Grant, University of Tennessee ; Alan Windham, University of Tennessee Extension ; Frank Hale, University of Tennessee Extension ; Elizabeth Long, University of Tennessee ; Mark T. Windham, University of Tennessee ; Katheryne Nix, University of Tennessee ; Renee Follum, University of Tennessee ; Gregory J. Wiggins, University of Tennessee ; Paris L. Lambdin, University of Tennessee
Post hemlock woolly adelgid damage: Hemlock assessment in the Southeastern United States
Layla Burgess, Clemson University ; Joseph Culin, Clemson University
Spatial Distribution and Pattern of HWA Induced Hemlock Mortality in the Southern Appalachians
Tuula Kantola, Texas A&M University ; Maria Tchakerian, Texas A&M University ; Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, University of Helsinki ; Markus Holopainen, University of Helsinki ; Robert Coulson, Texas A&M University ; Douglas Streett, USDA Forest Service
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