Contributed Papers III:P-IE: Host Plant Resistance and Transgenic Crops

Tuesday, March 4, 2014: 8:30 AM-9:55 AM
Greenbrier (Embassy Suites Greenville Golf & Conference Center)
Lieceng Zhu
Bill Hendrix

8:42 AM
Role of salicyclic acid in helping wheat maintain resistance against hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) infestation under heat stress
Joshua Underwood, Fayetteville State University ; John Glenn Moch, Fayetteville State University ; Lieceng Zhu, Fayetteville State University ; Ming-Shun Chen, USDA-ARS-NPA-GMPRC-PSERU
8:54 AM
Recent evaluations of advanced Bt cotton under heavy natural pressure from bollworm (Helicoverpa zea)
Jeremy K. Greene, Clemson University ; Dan Robinson, Clemson University ; James Smoak, Clemson University
9:06 AM
WideStrike 3 – a performance and status report from Dow AgroSciences
Melissa Willrich Siebert, Dow AgroSciences ; Gary D. Thompson, Dow AgroSciences ; Bo Braxton, Dow AgroSciences ; Bill Hendrix, Dow AgroSciences ; Larry Walton, Dow AgroSciences ; John Richburg, Dow AgroSciences ; Robert Haygood, Dow AgroSciences ; Mike Lovelace, Dow AgroSciences ; Ryan Viator, Dow AgroSciences
9:18 AM
TwinLinkTM and TwinLinkTM Plus: New cottont traits for imrpoved Lepidopteran control
Ben Von Kanel, Bayer CropScience ; Scott Baker, Bayer CropScience ; Mark Rinehardt, Bayer CropScience ; Walt Mullins, Bayer CropScience
9:30 AM
Post-harvest screening for maize weevil resistance in different types of corn hybrid seeds
Xing Wei, University of Georgia ; Xinzhi Ni, USDA, Agricultural Research Service ; Michael Toews, The University of Georgia ; Huabang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
9:42 AM
Assessment of grain sorghum hybrids for resistance to insect and bird damage at three planting dates
Xinzhi Ni, USDA, Agricultural Research Service ; Michael Toews, The University of Georgia ; G. David Buntin, University of Georgia