A focus on arthropods and global change: studying drivers of community structure and function

Wednesday, March 12, 2014: 9:30 AM-12:35 PM
Davenport (Des Moines Marriott)
Organizer :
Scott Prajzner

9:30 AM
Welcoming Remarks
9:35 AM
Changing agriculture in Brazil: How on-farm practices deliver biological control services
James D. Harwood, University of Kentucky ; Dany Silvio S. L. Amaral, Federal University of Viçosa ; Madelaine Venzon, Agriculture and Livestock Research Enterprise of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) ; Marcus Vinicius Alfenas Duarte, Agriculture and Livestock Research Enterprise of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) ; Fernanda Freitas Sousa, Agriculture and Livestock Research Enterprise of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) ; Angelo Pallini, Federal University of Viçosa
9:55 AM
Conversion of urban vacant land into gardens influences bee community structure without altering pollination services
Scott Prajzner, The Ohio State University ; Mary M. Gardiner, The Ohio State University
10:35 AM
Reduced wind strengthens top-down control of soybean aphids
Brandon Barton, University of Wisconsin
10:55 AM
11:15 AM
Plant foliar quality, stoichiometric constraints, digestive compensation, and food web interactions in generalist feeding insect herbivores
Anthony Joern, Kansas State University ; Sheena Parsons, The University of Kansas ; Angela N. Laws, University of Notre Dame
11:55 AM
Cascading ecological impacts of emerald ash borer: Effects of ash mortality on litter arthropod communities
Kayla I. Perry, Ohio State University, OARDC ; Rosemary Walker, SAIC ; Daniel A. Herms, The Ohio State University, OARDC
12:15 PM
Differential effects of an invasive plant on pollinator services
Jeffrey Masters, University of Louisville ; Sarah Emery, University of Louisville
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