The Buzz about Entomology: Engaging the Public in Science

Tuesday, March 11, 2014: 8:35 AM-11:10 AM
Dubuque (Des Moines Marriott)
Organizer :
Kacie J. Athey

8:35 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
Online versus workshop: Does your training method affect the accuracy of citizen-science collected arthropod data?
Mary M. Gardiner, The Ohio State University ; Mary Griffith, Department of Entomology ; Chelsea A. Smith, The Ohio State University
9:20 AM
The Monarch Larva Monitoring Project:  Citizens and scientists unraveling an ecological mystery
Carl Stenoien, University of Minnesota ; Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
MSU BugHouse: Ages 3 to 93, entomology for a diverse audience
Bernice B. DeMarco, Michigan State University
10:30 AM
Engaging stakeholders as if your app depends on it
Wendy A. Johnson, Kansas State University
See more of: Symposia