Stink bugs: emerging threats in the East and Midwest

Monday, March 10, 2014: 3:25 PM-5:30 PM
Cedar Rapids (Des Moines Marriott)
Kelley Tilmon
Robert Koch

3:25 PM
Kelley Tilmon, South Dakota State University ; Robert Koch, University of Minnesota
3:30 PM
Biology and management of brown marmorated stink bug on field crops in the Mid-Atlantic region
Galen Dively, University of Maryland ; Ames Herbert, Virginia Tech ; Joanne Whalen, University of Delaware
4:10 PM
4:30 PM
THE Ohio StinkBugeyes: Status of native and invasive stink bugs in Ohio’s crops
Andrew P. Michel, The Ohio State University ; Celeste Welty, Ohio State University ; James Jasinski, Ohio State University ; Raman Bansal, Ohio State University, OARDC
4:50 PM
Identifying the initial potential for biological control of brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) in central Michigan
Matthew Grieshop, Michigan State University ; Kristin Deroshia, Michigan State University
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