A Botanist on BugGuide: Assisting IDs of Phytospecific insects

Sunday, March 9, 2014: 2:55 PM
Council Bluffs (Des Moines Marriott)
John Pearson , Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Des Moines, IA
Identification of gall-makers, leaf-miners, and other insect species with strong host plant preferences can be problematic because adults are not evident or because adults of different species are very similar in appearance.  Identification is especially difficult when presented with photographs instead of specimens, but that is precisely the task faced by entomologists who contribute their expertise to BugGuide.net, an online insect identification website.  However, identification of plants incidentally visible on photographs (or specifically supplemented with additional images) often provides unique information leading to successful identification of the insect.  Botanists can play an important role in assisting entomologists in a cross-disciplinary effort.