MS: Honoring the Career and Contributions of Veterinary Entomologist Donald A. Rutz

Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM
Portland Ballroom 253 (Oregon Convention Center)
Laura Harrington
Phillip E. Kaufman

1:30 PM
Introductory Remarks
1:40 PM
2:20 PM
Livestock and poultry IPM: From North Carolina to New York and back
D. Wes Watson, North Carolina State University
3:20 PM
Density dependent interactions betweeen stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans L) and growing dairy heifer calves
Roger D. Moon, University of Minnesota ; Hugh Chester-Jones, Southern Research & Outreach Center ; David Ziegler, Southern Research & Outreach Center
3:20 PM
Survey to assess fly management strategies used by Washington dairy producers
Holly Ferguson, Washington State University ; Sally O'Neal, Washington State University ; Kit Galvin, University of Washington ; Michael Yost, University of Washington ; Douglas Walsh, Washington State University
3:20 PM
To kill a fly: A 50-year history of evolving poultry IPM approaches in California
Bradley Mullens, University of California ; Alec Gerry, University of California ; Amy C. Murillo, University of California
3:20 PM
Establishing collaborations with Chinese scientists on issues of filth flies
Phillip E. Kaufman, University of Florida ; Andrew Y. Li, USDA - ARS ; Xing Ping Hu, Auburn University ; Jerome A. Hogsette, USDA - ARS
3:20 PM
Seven years in the making: The Cow-Vac removes pasture flies from dairy cattle
Steve Denning, North Carolina State University ; D. Wes Watson, North Carolina State University
3:20 PM
NYS dairy cattle Integrated Pest Management: Research and outreach addressing dairy industry needs
J. Waldron, NYS IPM Program ; K. L. Wise, NYS IPM Program ; Donald A. Rutz, Cornell University
3:20 PM
Navy entomology activities and services in Pacific Coast states
Roxanne Burrus, Navy Environmental Preventive Medicine Unit 5
3:20 PM
Poster session and reception
See more of: Member Symposia