Home trap for catch and kill dengue vector (Aedes aegypti)
Luz Marina Parra Arboleda, Escuela de Diseño Industrial, Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS-, Grupo de Investigación Interfaz, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Laura Vanessa Bueno Capacho, Escuela de Diseño Industrial, Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS-, Grupo de Investigación Interfaz, Bucaramanga, Colombia ,Héctor Julio Parra Moreno , Escuela de Diseño Industrial, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Grupo de Investigación Interfaz, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Jonny Duque Luna, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Centro de Investigaciones en Enfermedades Tropicales (CINTROP) y Grupo de Investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas y Metabólicas (GINEM). Escuela de Medicina. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia
The project aims to contribute to integrated control of the dengue vector, the trap allows the capture and elimination of female Aedes aegypti, at home.
The project was conducted at the Research center: Parque Tecnológico de Guatiguará, located in Piedecuesta, Department of Santander, Colombia. The center is part of the Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS. The development of the trap is made with an academic and interdisciplinary team work of industrial design and medical entomology.
The authors present an affordable product to the general population, using low cost resources, materials processes and technology that allows a sale price of one dollar per trap. The trap doesn´t require electrical parts nor any energy source to work.
The trap is a convenient and secure device for home use, it is a square section parallelepiped made of cardboard, which serves as a carrier for the others components of the trap. Product development was conducted in three phases: attraction, capture and elimination of mosquito. The attraction of female A. aegypti is given by visual stimuli and the adaptation of an attractant bait avalaible on the market. The mosquito catch is possible by structural design the entrance to trap , has systems that prevents the mosquito out, the kill the female Aedes aegypti is given by an adhesive.
To reach the final prototype, was possible throughout several laboratory experiments applied to an Aedes aegypti colony. The verification of the proposed hypotheses allowed to determine the effectiveness of the trap: color preference of the trap, capture capability, decreased mosquito leakage rates and best place for location of entry to trap.
After Laboratory testing is complete, formal and structural design of the trap was determined, prototypes for field testings was made in order to assess all the components that make up the product.
The final prototype efficiency is 80%, considerable contribution integrating strategies on controlling dengue vector.
The trap is under patent pending number 010466 of June 27, 2013, in the Vicerrectoria de Investigación y Extensión of the Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS-