Dung beetle and fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) interactions within dung microhabitats
Dung beetle and fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) interactions within dung microhabitats
Monday, November 17, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
Grazing animals in Florida deposit over 20 million metric tons of dung per year, making dung a significant non-point source of pollution. Degradation of this dung occurs naturally, primarily due to Coleopterans of the families Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae (hereafter dung beetles). Dung that is not degraded may be leached into water bodies and provides an incubation site for the pests and parasites of both humans and livestock. Thus, the optimization of the ecosystem services provided by dung beetles is a priority for not only the protection of terrestrial and aquatic biota, but the cattle industry itself. My project will utilize semi-natural and intensively managed pastures to determine how management driven differences in habitat alter dung beetle assemblages. I will also experimentally evaluate how pasture type and the presence or absence of the non-native red imported fire ant (RIFA) influence the ecosystem services of dung degradation and parasite suppression