Re-initiating a corn rootworm survey in MN: Developments and insights from engaged ag professionals and growers
Re-initiating a corn rootworm survey in MN: Developments and insights from engaged ag professionals and growers
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
Termination of a 50+ year old survey effort on corn rootworm just as Bt-traits dominated the ag landscape, left MN growers and ag professionals blind to corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.) population changes just as Bt- resistance emerged. In an era of diminished resources for survey efforts, we re-initiated a corn rootworm survey that engaged growers and ag professionals in a novel pilot program. This poster describes this 2-year pilot effort built on public - private partnership model, examines it results, explores participant perspectives and summarizes their inputs into its design.