Laboratory tests of spinosad, neem and Surround on Bactrocera invadens survival in mango

Sunday, November 16, 2014: 1:51 PM
F151 (Oregon Convention Center)
Assa Balayara , Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Bactrocera invadens, an invasive fruit fly in West Africa, infests and causes damage on mango in Senegal.  The effect of spinosad, neem and Surround (kaolin clay) on B. invadens survivorship is studied in the laboratory by exposing fruit to ten gravid females of B. invadens per replicate (4 replicates).  Treated fruits are exposed to flies in a cage for 24 hours.  Dead adult flies are counted in the cages, and the number of emerging adult flies after larval development is determined for each treatment.