Field evaluations of maize expressing an RNAi-based insect protected trait on non-target organisms
Field evaluations of maize expressing an RNAi-based insect protected trait on non-target organisms
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
As a fundamental element of Environmental Risk Assessment of maize expressing an RNAi-based trait for rootworm control, a comparative assessment of non-target arthropods (NTAs) abundance was conducted under diverse geographic and environmental conditions encompassing three countries. The study was set up as a randomized complete block design over three years at four to six locations each year. Arthropod abundance was assessed from collections performed five times using sticky traps and visual counts during the growing season. Results from these assessments demonstrate that maize expressing an RNAi-based insect protected trait does not have adverse effects on NTAs that are representative of ecologically relevant taxonomic and functional groups. These results confirmed tier 1 lab studies that did not observe adverse effects on similar NTAs. Additionally, observed NTA taxa are similar in US, Argentina, and Brazil maize fields, indicating that the data are readily transportable between these countries and to other geographies with similar fauna.