Studying the dectes stem borer (Dectes texanus) in Nebraska

Monday, November 17, 2014: 10:12 AM
E145 (Oregon Convention Center)
Zach Rystrom , Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Robert Wright , Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
The dectes stem borer, Dectes texanus Leconte, has caused economic damage to soybean fields in south central Nebraska during recent years.  Economic injury occurs when soybean plants become susceptible to late season lodging due to larval girdling.  Management with an insecticide has been difficult because the timing of applications is not well understood.  Adults are active for several weeks and larvae are protected while feeding within the plant.  In this study, infested soybean stems were placed in emergence cages; and soybean fields were selected for regular sweep net sampling.  We report the annual trends in adult emergence and activity in south central Nebraska for 2013 and 2014.