Revision of the neotropical genus Augochloropsis (Hymenoptera, Halictidae)
Revision of the neotropical genus Augochloropsis (Hymenoptera, Halictidae)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
The neotropical genus Augochloropsis is the largest of the tribe Auglochlorini, however there are few studies that have addressed aspects taxonomic to sub-generic level. This genus comprises about 138 species and is widely diversified in the Amazon and the Andes of South America, with only two species in the nearctic region (Augochloropsis metallica y A. anonyma). The sub-genres of Augochloropsis best characterized, Augochloropsis Cockerell (1897) s.str. and Paraugochloropsis Schrottky (1906) are well defined by some characteristics of the males, but are poorly defined by the characteristics of females. Additionally, other 5 sub-genres are reported, Pseudaugochloropsis Schrottky (1906 ), Tetrachlora Schrottky (1909), Glyptobasis Moure (1940), Glyptobasia Moure (1941) and Glyptochlora Moure (1958) which is not currently known a detailed description to allow catalog the different species in any of them. For the determination of sub-genres, the entomological collection deposited on loan in the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, which has 2,209 specimens between females and males of the Augochloropsis genus from different institutions and museums in the world was used. Taxonomic keys at the sub-genre nivel from external morphological characters diagnostic and genitalia were developed with DELTA 1.04 program. Were determined 5 sub-genres corresponding to: Augochloropsis s.str, Augochloropsis 2, Paraugochloropsis, Glyptochlora and Paraugochloropsis 2, in which a total of 45 species and 125 morphospecies are grouped. Additional, geographic distribution maps of each described sub-genre and their respective species from GRASS-GIS were performed.
Product derived of proyect CIAS1466, funded by the Vicerrectoria de Investigaciones of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada