Preliminary study of aposematic coloration and mid-dorsal abdominal glands in Pyrgomorphidae (Orthoptera: Caelifera)

Monday, November 17, 2014: 9:36 AM
Portland Ballroom 255 (Oregon Convention Center)
Ricardo Mariño-Pérez , Department of Biology/Song Lab, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Hojun Song , Department of Biology/ Song Lab, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
The family Pyrgomorphidae contains some of the most colorful grasshoppers in the world. In some of these cases, the colors and patterns correspond to aposematic coloration. In some species, a unique mid-dorsal abdominal gland has been reported. However, despite the presence of aposematic coloration and abdominal gland, a study across Pyrgomorphidae for both characteristics has never been conducted. There is not enough evidence to determine if this gland is present in species with aposematic coloration. In order to contribute to the knowledge of this group, we have conducted a preliminary study across some species of Pyrgomorphidae with colors and patterns which suggest aposematic coloration. We found cases such as Poekilocerus (India), Zonocerus and Phymateus (South Africa) where the mid-dorsal abdominal gland is present. In other cases despite the aposematic coloration; Dictyophorus (South Africa), Monistria (Australia) and Sphenarium (Mexico) there is no evidence of the presence of mid-abdominal gland.  Finally in cases of pyrgomorphs without aposematic coloration such as Atractomorpha and Desmopterella (Papua New Guinea) we did not find mid-dorsal abdominal gland.