Use of lab and field toxicity and exposure studies to develop a comprehensive risk assessment of methoxyfenozide for honey bees
Use of lab and field toxicity and exposure studies to develop a comprehensive risk assessment of methoxyfenozide for honey bees
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Exhibit Hall C (Oregon Convention Center)
Methoxyfenozide is an ecdysone agonist that behaves very differently from other insect growth regulators such as chitin synthesis inhibitors and juvenile hormone analogues. Several lab and field studies have shown very little to no adverse effects of methoxyfenozide on honey bee adults and brood. Field exposure studies were conducted to determine potential residues found in hives. Residues in pollen and nectar were very low or below limits of detection. An exposure-based risk assessment comparing exposure to toxicity showed low risk to honey bee colonies following field applications of methoxyfenozide.