EPA's role in implementing IPM programs to reduce pests and asthma incidences in schools

Wednesday, November 19, 2014: 1:30 PM
B115-116 (Oregon Convention Center)
Sherry Glick , Office of Pesticide Programs/Center of Expertise for School IPM, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Dallas, TX
The focus of pests and asthma encompass all the challenges that this year's meeting theme hold; certainly pests and asthma are at the forefront of many entomologist in pest management. This Symposia will include discussion and research based on the following areas: Benefits of IPM and understanding the relationship between cockroach infestations and health, especially in children; Importance of indoor pests as etiological agents in human disease, especially asthma; How Integrated Pest Management can mitigate allergens in the classroom and sensitive areas; Discuss studies that evaluate the effectiveness of conventional cockroach control (routine, calendar based insecticide applications) and IPM in controlling German cockroach infestations and reducing cockroach allergen levels in schools; Compare and discuss IPM vs Conventional pest management;  How does School IPM and Conventional pest control compare with regard to allergens on school surfaces?
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