Evaluation of Cimi-Shield™ Knock-Out Bed Bug Eliminator against house fly (Musca domestica) adults

Wednesday, November 19, 2014: 9:17 AM
A103-104 (Oregon Convention Center)
Jerome A. Hogsette , USDA - ARS, Gainesville, FL
Cimi-Shield Knock-Out (CSKO) Bed Bug Eliminator is a green treatment labeled for use against bed bugs, carpet beetles, ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, silverfish, millipedes and centipedes. The active ingredient is soybean oil. If CSKO is formulated according to label instructions and sprayed directly onto house flies, death occurs almost instantly, however if the material is sprayed onto a nonporous surface, flies walking over the surface  are generally unaffected. Application devices which would allow for more exposure to the formulated product were evaluated. Devices were evaluated when CSKO was wet and dry, and exposure time to product mortality was investigated. Devices producing desired mortality levels could be adapted for urban and agricultural uses.