ESA Southeastern Branch Meeting Online Program
The effects of nitrogen on population dynamics of the chilli thrips, Scriptothrips dorsalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on hydroponically grown jalapeño pepper
Monday, March 4, 2013
Heidelberg Ballroom (Hilton Baton Rouge)
Chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a highly polyphagous plant pest with a wide host range of more that 100 species spread over 40 families. The geographic distribution of S. dorsalis ranges from Asia to the United States. The effects of different nitrogen concentrations on the population dynamics of chilli thrips on hydroponically grown Jalapeno Peppers were observed. The ultimate goal was to determine a nitrogen fertilizer schedule that offers adequate plant growth but did not increase the chilli thrips’ population. Pepper is a very important traditional vegetable crop grown in Miami-Dade County. Jalapeno pepper plants were grown hydroponically and fed eight different concentrations of nitrogen in the nutrient solution using a recycling drip hydroponic system. Plant growth data as well as chilli thrips population data were recorded for each treatment.
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