ESA North Central Branch Meeting Online Program

NCERA 220 Symposium: Shut Your Trap: Quantifying Biocontrol Services

Tuesday, June 18, 2013: 3:30 PM-5:15 PM
Legion I (Best Western Ramkota Rapid City Hotel & Conference Center)
Matthew Grieshop
Mary M. Gardiner

3:30 PM
Introductory Remarks
3:35 PM
Indicator organisms to assess functional changes in altered urban greenspaces
Mary M. Gardiner, Ohio State University ; Scott Prajzner, The Ohio State University-OARDC ; Caitlin E. Burkman, Ohio State University, OARDC
3:55 PM
Video methods to assess predator diversity-function relationships
Matthew Grieshop, Michigan State University
4:15 PM
Molecular methods to build and compare predator food webs
James D. Harwood, University of Kentucky
4:35 PM
Measuring the impact of predators and parasitoids in integrated bioenergy cropping systems
Julie A. Peterson, University of Minnesota ; James O. Eckberg, University of Minnesota ; Karen E. Blaedow, University of Minnesota ; Joe M. Kaser, University of Minnesota ; Gregg A. Johnson, University of Minnesota ; George E. Heimpel, University of Minnesota
4:55 PM
Marking natural enemies without getting egg on your face
Brian P. McCornack, Kansas State University ; Ximena Cibils-Stewart, Kansas State University ; Alice L. Harris, Kansas State University
See more of: Symposia