ESA North Central Branch Meeting Online Program

Evaluation of pentoxifylline, a chitinase inhibitor, as a subterranean termite bait active ingredient

Wednesday, June 19, 2013: 9:00 AM
Sylvan I (Best Western Ramkota Rapid City Hotel & Conference Center)
Timothy J. Husen , Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Shripat T. Kamble , Department of Entomology, Universiti of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Pentoxifylline, a chitinolytic enzyme inhibitor, was evaluated for its palatability/consumption and its delayed toxicity/concentration dependent mortality against the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Pentoxifylline was incorporated into filter paper diets at 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, and 0.21% active ingredient (w/w).  No-choice and two-choice feeding bioassays examined biological activity and palatability/repellency over a period of one-to-five weeks (wk) (no-choice assay) and three-to-five wk (two-choice assay) of feeding  Using a no-choice feeding bioassay, delayed toxicity and concentration dependent mortality of pentoxifylline were evaluated by determining LT50, LT90, and LT99 (lethal time).  Termite workers were allowed to feed on diet until 100% treated test population mortality occurred (80-95 d).    In no-choice and two-choice feeding tests, pentoxifylline treatments generally did not deter feeding with the exception of the highest concentration tested under no-choice feeding conditions.  Pentoxifylline dependent mortality closely correlated with amount of diet consumed.  Pentoxifylline was shown to be toxic to R. flavipes.  Concentration-dependent toxicity occurred within the pentoxifylline treatments over the range of 0.01-0.08% with 0.08% treatments producing an LT50 of 32.2 d.  These results provide the first report on delayed toxicity of a chitinolytic enzyme inhibitor (pentoxifylline) against eastern subterranean termites (Order:  Isoptera) and indicate the novel potential of chitinase inhibitors as effective active ingredients for a termite baiting program.
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