ESA Eastern Branch Meeting Online Program

PhD Oral Competition

Sunday, March 17, 2013: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
State Room (Eden Resort and Suites)

1:00 PM
Does floral provisioning enhance pollination of Cucurbita and Cucumis crops by bee communities?
C. Sheena Sidhu, Pennsylvania State University ; Shelby J. Fleischer, Pennsylvania State University ; David J. Biddinger, Pennsylvania State University, Fruit Research & Extension Center
1:12 PM
Distribution and biodiversity of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) throughout New Jersey
Lauren M. Weidner, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ; George C. Hamilton, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ; Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Texas A&M University
1:24 PM
Distribution of Chaetodactylus krombeini (Acari: Chaetodactylidae) in nests of Osmia cornifrons (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
Matthew McKinney, West Virginia University ; Yong-Lak Park, West Virginia University
1:36 PM
Influence of landscape simplification on pollination services to strawberry
Heather Connelly, Cornell University ; Katja Poveda, Cornell University ; Gregory M. Loeb, Cornell University
1:48 PM
Effect of pheromone release rate, plant volatiles and ratios of pheromone components on trap captures of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis in China
Peter S. Meng, Pennsylvania State University ; Melody A. Keena, USDA, Forest Service ; R. Talbot Trotter, USDA, Forest Service ; Yan Shanchun, Northeast Forestry University ; Kelli Hoover, Pennsylvania State University
2:00 PM
Exposure to an insect-derived olfactory cue enhances plant defense responses
Anjel M. Helms, Pennsylvania State University ; John F. Tooker, Pennsylvania State University ; Mark C. Mescher, Pennsylvania State University ; Consuelo M. De Moraes, Pennsylvania State University
2:12 PM
The mycobiomes of sympatric native and invasive paper wasp species
Anne Madden, Tufts University ; Philip Starks, Tufts University
2:24 PM
Burrowing invertebrate communities in small and large agricultural drainage ditches
Alan Leslie, University of Maryland ; William O. Lamp, University of Maryland
2:36 PM
Food-finding by larval grape root borer, Vitacea polistiformis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in a soil column bioassay
Jhalendra P. Rijal, Alson H. Smith, Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ; J. Christopher Bergh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2:48 PM
Environmental and spatial factors influencing patterns in stink bug communities in soybean
P. Dilip Venugopal, University of Maryland ; Galen P. Dively, University of Maryland ; D. Ames Herbert, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ; William O. Lamp, University of Maryland
3:00 PM
Resistance to a multi-host parasite; it’s good to be rare
Julia J Mlynarek, Carleton University
3:12 PM
Assessing corn earworm infestations in Pennsylvania field corn, and the value of Bt for control of ear damage
Eric Bohnenblust, Pennsylvania State University ; Jim Breining, Pennsylvania State University ; Shelby J. Fleischer, Pennsylvania State University ; Greg Roth, Pennsylvania State University ; John F. Tooker, Pennsylvania State University
3:24 PM
Feeding preferences of the generalist insect herbivore, Melanoplus femurrubrum grasshopper, on invasive and native plants
Alina Avanesyan, University of Cincinnati ; Theresa Culley, University of Cincinnati