Distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes at fruit-vegetable fields in Korea
Distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes at fruit-vegetable fields in Korea
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Exhibit Hall 4 (Austin Convention Center)
Plant-parasitic nematodes are serious soil pests that parasite on the roots of the plants, and they cause soil disease, reduce production by occasion of physiological stress and defoliate plants to interfere with absorption of water and nutrient. To survey distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes at fruit-vegetable fields in Korea. This study had investigated the nematode genus and density from strawberry cultivation areas at Buyeo, Nonsan and Jinju, melon cultivation area at Gocksung and cucumber field at Gongju from April to September in 2012. Plant parasitic-nematodes were detected in 47 among 52 soil samples. Among them, they were detected in 25 among 28 at the strawberry cultivation soil samples, the whole at the melon cultivation soil samples, 14 among 16 at the cucumber field soil samples. Like this, plant-parasitic nematodes of most soil samples were confirmed that they were occurred, but major plant parasitic nematodes are different with each of cultivation. The population of Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchu spp. were higher than any other plant parasitic nematode in the cucumber cultivation, and an occurrence ratio of Helicotylenchus spp. was the highest. When compared by region, the population of Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchoides spp. in collected soil samples from Nonsan and Gongju were higher than any other region.