Trap design for Plecia nearctica (Diptera: Bibionidae)
Trap design for Plecia nearctica (Diptera: Bibionidae)
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Exhibit Hall 4 (Austin Convention Center)
We previously reported that the floral compound phenylacetaldehyde (PAA) and yellow color were attractive to both sexes of adult lovebugs, P. nearctica. The next step is to optimize a trap design that would allow researchers and pest control specialists to capture large numbers of lovebugs during the flight season of this insect. In 2013, we evaluated several commercial and modified insect traps containing PAA lure for suitability for this purpose. Results of the spring flight revealed yellow sticky panel trap were highly effective but limited to catching several hundred lovebugs, and would likely quickly fill up under heavy infestations. The universal moth (bucket-type) trap can potentially capture many thousands of lovebugs over an extended period, are considered most promising for further studies. Results of trap improvements will be presented. Further olfactory carrier studies are needed to optimize the release period of the lures.