SEB (Brazilian Entomological Society): A neotropical network seeking a growing collaboration

Tuesday, November 12, 2013: 6:50 PM
Meeting Room 15 (Austin Convention Center)
P. M. O. J. Neves , Agronomy, State University of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil
Antônio Panizzi , Entomology Laboratory, Embrapa (NACIONAL WHEAT RESEARCH CENTER), Passo Fundo, Brazil
The Entomological Society of Brazil (Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil – SEB) was founded on February 22, 1972. SEB currently has over 1,000 members, of which about 300 in good standing. However this number increases close to the SEB events. The SEB currently promotes two events, the Brazilian Congress of Entomology (CBE) in even years, and the Biological Control Symposium (SICONBIOL) in odd years. In the CBE events the mean number of registration is about 2,000, while in the SICONBIOL the registration number is about 600. The Society has two scientific journals; one offered in hardcopy and on line called the Neotropical Entomology (NE), which is published by Springer, and the other only available on line, called the Bioassay. The NE started in 1972 with the name of Annals of the Entomological Society of Brazil (Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil), and covers research in Entomology and its subspecialties particular in the Neotropical Region (South and Central America, Mexico, Caribbean islands, and southern Florida), but it is not exclusive to the neotropics. It is considered the best ranked entomological journal from Latin America. BioAssay is a totally electronic scientific journal. It publishes original and current articles mainly related to assessment tests on the biological activity of control agents of arthropods of agricultural, forest, urban, veterinary, and medical importance. SEB seeks to cooperate with several international entomological societies, such as the Mexican Entomological Society and the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Several other societies in Latin America have been contacted to strength the cooperation. This cooperation includes exchange of scientists, participation in congresses and events facilitating the fee registration, and providing opportunity for meetings to discuss issues of mutual interest.