ESA Pacific Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

General Papers: Biocontrol

Tuesday, March 27, 2012: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Salon A (Marriott Downtown Waterfront )

3:45 PM
Mortality of Blapstinus spp. beetles exposed to various formulations of entomopathogenic fungi
Eric T. Natwick, University of California Cooperative Extension ; Robert W. Behle, USDA - ARS ; Mark A. Jackson, USDA - ARS
4:09 PM
4:21 PM
Parasitism of Light Brown Apple Moth in California
Linda P. Buergi, UC Berkeley ; Nick J. Mills, UC Berkeley
4:45 PM
A standardized impact monitoring protocol (SIMP) for the assessment of weed biological control efficacy
Mark Schwarzländer, University of Idaho ; Aaron S. Weed, Dartmouth College ; Joseph Milan, USDI-Bureau of Land Management