ESA Pacific Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

Master's Posters

Monday, March 26, 2012: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Salon F (Marriott Downtown Waterfront )

Feeding damage on hazelnuts by Halyomorpha halys, brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
Christopher S. Hedstrom, Oregon State University ; Vaughn M. Walton, Oregon State University ; Jeffrey C. Miller, Oregon State University ; Peter W. Shearer, Oregon State University ; Jeff Olsen, Oregon State University
Drosophila suzukii degree-day modeling and field validation in the Willamette Valley
Samantha L. Tochen, Oregon State University ; Vaughn M. Walton, Oregon State University
The Biology of a Little Known Weevil: Polydrusus Impressifrons
Jack C. Niedbala, Washington State University
Development and fecundity of Amyelois transitella reared on mummy host material
Devin A. Clarke, California State University, Chico ; Justin E. Nay, Integral Ag. Inc ; Frank G. Zalom, University of California, Davis ; Elizabeth A. Boyd, California State University, Chico
Post-release assessment of the efficacy of Urophora cardui and Hadroplontus litura, biological control agents of Canada thistle
Joel R. Price, University of Idaho ; Mark Schwarzländer, University of Idaho ; Bradley L. Harmon, University of Idaho
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