ESA Pacific Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

Undergraduate Posters

Monday, March 26, 2012: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Salon F (Marriott Downtown Waterfront )

Interactive effects of Mecinus janthiniformis herbivory and varying soil resource conditions on the performance of Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica 
Tessa M. Scott, University of Idaho ; Aaron S. Weed, Dartmouth College ; Mark Schwarzländer, University of Idaho ; Bradley L. Harmon, University of Idaho ; Jess R. Inskeep, University of Idaho
Influence of varying soil nutrient conditions on the population dynamics of Mecinus janthiniformis, a stem-mining weevil of Dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)
Jess R. Inskeep, University of Idaho ; Aaron S. Weed, Dartmouth College ; Mark Schwarzländer, University of Idaho ; Tessa M. Scott, University of Idaho ; Bradley L. Harmon, University of Idaho