ESA Pacific Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

Water Quality and Invertebrates: Emergent Issues

Tuesday, March 27, 2012: 8:00 AM-11:40 AM
Salon I (Marriott Downtown Waterfront )
Organizer :
Melissa Scherr

8:05 AM
Interactions between macroinvertebrate taxa and complex environmental gradients influencing abundance and distribution
Melissa Scherr, Northwest Entomological Research Center ; David Wooster, OSU-HAREC ; Sujaya Rao, Oregon State University
8:30 AM
Invertebrate top predator extinctions in drying streams modify community structure and ecosystem functioning
Kate S. Boersma, Oregon State University ; Michael T. Bogan, Oregon State University ; David A. Lytle, Oregon State University
9:45 AM
Constructed wetlands: When does improving water quality jeopardize public health?
William E. Walton, University of California-Riverside
10:10 AM
11:15 AM
Reducing Pesticides in Surface Water
Brian Bret, Dow AgroSciences ; Nick Poletika, Dow AgroSciences
See more of: Symposium