North Central Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

Blending Some “New School” Approaches to Pest Management While Revisiting Some Key Vegetable Pests “Old School” Style

Monday, June 4, 2012: 1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Regents F (Embassy Suites)
James Jasinski
Mary M. Gardiner

1:30 PM
Development of a new school biocontrol curriculum for vegetable growers and gardeners in the Midwest
Mary M. Gardiner, The Ohio State University, OARDC ; James Jasinski, The Ohio State University Extension ; Celeste Welty, The Ohio State University ; Zsofia Szendrei, Michigan State University ; Abby Seaman, Cornell University ; Alexandria N. Bryant, Michigan State University ; Brett R. Blaauw, Michigan State University ; J. Megan Woltz, Michigan State University ; Ben Phillips, Ohio State University ; Chelsea Smith, The Ohio State University, OARDC ; Caitlin Burkman, The Ohio State University, OARDC ; Scott P. Prajzner, The Ohio State University, OARDC ; Sarah Rose, Ohio State University
1:50 PM
Developing online image-based insect identification systems
Hang-Kwang Luh, Oregon State University
2:30 PM
Is Ohio the gateway for brown marmorated stink bug into the north central region?
James Jasinski, The Ohio State University Extension ; Celeste Welty, The Ohio State University
3:10 PM
Are insects important pests in high tunnels?
Sarah L. Thompson, Purdue University ; Rick Foster, Purdue University
See more of: Symposia