ESA Annual Meetings Online Program

Discover Life in America's All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Wednesday, November 14, 2012: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
200 C, Floor Two (Knoxville Convention Center)
Ernest C. Bernard
David Wagner
Andrea Radwell
Christopher E. Carlton
Victoria Bayless
Becky Nichols
Organizer :
Todd P. Witcher

8:00 AM
Introduction and Welcome Remarks
Todd P. Witcher, Discover Life in America
8:20 AM
ATBI in the Smokies: A great partnership
Becky Nichols, National Park Service
8:40 AM
Coleoptera of the Smokies: Barking up a dead tree and the lessons learned
Victoria Bayless, Louisiana State University ; Christopher E. Carlton, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
9:00 AM
Lepidoptera of the Smokies
David Wagner, University of Connecticut
9:20 AM
9:35 AM
Watermites of the Smokies
Andrea Radwell, University of Arkansas
9:55 AM
Springtails of the Smokies
Ernest C. Bernard, University of Tennessee
See more of: Section Symposia