ESA Annual Meetings Online Program
Identification of volatiles from waste larval rearing media that attract gravid screwworm flies
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Exhibit Hall A, Floor One (Knoxville Convention Center)
The waste product of the artificial larval rearing media of the primary screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, attracts gravid female screwworm flies to oviposit. The volatile component of this waste product was collected using solid phase microextraction techniques and subjected to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry identification procedures. Five compounds identified showed positive electroantennogram responses using antennae of the secondary screwworm, C. macellaria. Oviposition assay with a synthetic chemical blend containing these compounds resulted in substantial oviposition by the gravid females of C. hominivorax. Oviposition assay with the same blend and concentration resulted in significantly less oviposition by gravid C. macellaria.