Daniel A. Potter
University of KentuckyEntomology Department
S-225 Agricultural Science Center North
Lexington, KY
USA 40546
Email: dapotter@email.uky.edu
0092 Japanese beetles facilitate aggregation and injury by green June beetle, a native scarab pest of ripening fruits
0093 Natural enemies and site characteristics affecting distribution and abundance of native and invasive white grubs in turfgrass
0171 Tritrophic interactions of Endophyte, Neotyphodium lolii, infecting perennial ryegrass and a tachinid parasitoid of the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon)
0172 Ecotoxicology of turfgrass insecticides: Impacts on beneficial invertebrates
D0089 Arthropod diversity and abundance in tall fescue pastures containing novel endophytes