Stephen Hight
USDA - ARSCenter for Biological Control - USDA-ARS-CMAVE
6383 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL
USA 32308
0961 Welcome and background to Cactoblastis cactorum symposium
0966 Preference and survival of Cactoblastis cactorum on a diversity of host plants in the insects’ native Argentine range, OR, “Does mother know best?”
0967 Diverse mortality factors for Cactoblastis cactorum and the insects’ response in its native Argentine range
0969 Diversity in control and management techniques for Cactoblastis cactorum and the insect’s response in its adventive North American range
0973 Cactoblastis cactorum at the crossroads: Where do we go from here?
D0061 The functional response of Trichogramma fuentesi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in north Florida, USA