Megha N. Parajulee
Texas A&M AgriLife ResearchCotton Entomology Program
1102 East FM 1294
Lubbock, TX
USA 79403
0106 Entomological networking: Role of Nepal Overseas Entomologists in Entomological Society of America
0107 Nepal Overseas Entomologists: Current status and future course of the network
0213 The geographic pattern of HAD
0342 Immunological assays in ecological studies: Movement behavior of Lygus bugs in cotton
0343 Use of neem extract and microbial insecticides for sustainable management of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera
0344 Use of AFLP markers in understanding host associated difference in cotton fleahoppers in Texas
1015 Landscape impacts on Lygus management in West Texas
1016 The influence of landscape on Lygus management: What can growers do about it?
1377 Use of botanicals for the sustainable management of dengue mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti
1533 Entomophagy in the United States: History, current status, and future prospect
D0145 Evaluation of molecular markers for genetic diversity studies of western tarnished plant bug (Lygus hesperus Knight)
D0562 Effect of cotton phenology on the intercrop movement behavior of the convergent lady beetle in cotton-alfalfa agroecosystem
D0564 Effect of nitrogen application rate on cotton growth parameters and arthropod activity in Texas cotton
D0566 Influence of proximity and abundance of non-cotton hosts on Lygus hesperus in cotton