William E. Walton
University of CaliforniaDepartment of Entomology
Department of Entomology
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA
USA 92521
Email: william.walton@ucr.edu
0149 The impact of vertebrate predators on wetland macroinvertebrate communities
0323 Impacts of a native fish on non-targetĀ invertebrates in constructed wetlands inĀ southern California
0324 Using a California native fish as an alternative biocontrol agent to the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), a case study
0599 Widely separated populations of Culex erythrothorax (Culicidae) are not genetically differentiated
D0290 The effects of ammonium nitrogen enrichment on mosquito production and Schoenoplectus maritimus, an alternative macrophyte for use in constructed treatment wetlands