Daniel A. Potter
University of KentuckyEntomology Department
S-225 Agricultural Science Center North
Lexington, KY
USA 40546
Email: dapotter@email.uky.edu
0291 Tritrophic interactions of a baculovirus and a grass endophyte associated with biological control of the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon)
0312 Armyworm feeding plasticity trumps structural defenses of fescue pasture grasses
0354 Invasive Japanese beetles facilitate aggregation and injury by a native scarab pest of ripening fruits
0639 The worm turns: history and future of earthworm management for golf courses and sport fields
0826 A coworker's perspective
0885 Turfgrass species influence white grub (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) abundance and mortality from natural enemies
1080 Microbial control of turfgrass pests: problems and prospects
1084 Targeting ant-accomplices in soft scale outbreaks on woody landscape plants
D0078 Phenological resistance of grapes to green June beetle damage
D0257 Comparative toxicity of chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn), a novel anthranilic diamide, and other insecticides on beneficial and non-target invertebrates in turf