Agenor Mafra-Neto
ISCA Technologies, Inc.1230 Spring Street
Riverside, CA
USA 92507
0712 Attraction and feeding responses of oriental fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) to SPLAT-MAT- methyl eugenol with spinosad weathered in California
0713 SPLAT formulations: The optimization of semiochemical IPM tools
0714 Season-long gypsy moth mating disruption with SPLAT GM
D0233 Challenges and triumphs associated with SPLAT Cydia: Codling moth mating disruption in apple and pear orchards
D0236 Wax-based application methods for mating disruption of grape berry moth (Paralobesia viteana) in Michigan vineyards and adjacent woodlots
D0282 Pheromone application for mating disruption of carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae, in commercial date gardens