Aijun Zhang
USDA - ARSInvasive Insect Biocontrol and Behavior Laboratory
10300 Baltimore Ave.
Bldg. 007, Rm 312
Beltsville, MD
USA MD 20705-235
0180 Isolongifolenone: A naturally occurring and easily synthesized sesquiterpene that repels ticks and deters feeding by mosquitoes
0439 Evaluation of management practices for pink hibiscus mealybug under semi-field conditions
0683 Asian longhorned beetle pheromones: A two-way messenger
1214 Behavioral and electrophysiological activtity of the plum curculio associated with four host fruit species
D0230 Seasonal abundance and parasitism of Caloptilia porphyretica Braun (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a leafminer on highbush blueberry
D0276 A practical one-pot chemical synthesis of (3Z)-hexene-1,6-diol as a building block to prepare high geometric purity insect pheromone component