James D. Harwood
University of KentuckyDepartment of Entomology
S-225 Agricultural Science Center N
Lexington, KY
USA 40546
Email: james.harwood@uky.edu
0019 Nocturnal foraging patterns of linyphiid spiders: Implications for biological control
0022 Nocturnal trophic interactions between carabid beetles and their mollusk prey
0139 Invasive slugs: Global status and options for biological control
0376 Quantifying exposure pathways in generalist predator food webs: Uptake of Bt-endotoxins across multiple transgenic events
0378 Interaction pathways between slugs and carabid beetles in strawberry agroecosystems: Implications for biological control
0395 Interaction pathways between Diptera and coccinellid larvae: Evidence from an antibody-based detection system
0486 An immunological approach to assess trophic interactions: Evaluating the efficacy of a hemlock woolly adelgid-specific monoclonal antibody
0489 Effect of dietary diversification on growth and development of the exotic terrestrial mollusk, Deroceras reticulatum
1079 Molecular elucidation of the role of predatory thrips for biological control of the coffee berry borer
D0023 Site selection behavior of spider communities: Temporal and altitudinal variation in web placement