Rebeca B. Rosengaus
Northeastern UniversityMarine and Environmental Sciences
134 Mugar Life Sciences Building
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA
USA 02115
0298 Losing the battle against fungal infection: Suppression of termite immune defenses during mycosis
0356 More is not better: Costs of pleometrosis in the neotropical termite Nasutitermes corniger
0364 Social transmission of immunity in the carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus
0506 Symbiont-mediated immunocomptence in the dampwood termite (Zootermopsis angusticollis)
0507 Fungal pressures within and surrounding nests of the arboreal termite species Nasutitermes acajutlae
1198 Antifungal defense in termite nests by a pattern recognition protein with β-(1,3)-glucanase activity
D0118 When good species go bad: Evidence for recent and continuing hybridization of two neotropical termites