Daniel A. Herms
The Ohio State UniversityDepartment of Entomology
1680 Madison Avenue, Thorne Hall
Wooster, OH
USA 44691
Email: herms.2@osu.edu
0101 Dynamics of coarse woody debris in emerald ash borer -infested forest stands
0346 Constitutive phloem proteins, phenolics, and lignin in ash species resistant and susceptible to the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
0425 The effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on paper birch resistance to bronze birch borer
0446 Host phenological changes in foliar nutrients and chemical defenses constrain the performance of European pine sawfly larvae
0792 Nitrogen and the ecology of plant defense
D0063 Degree-day models for 43 pests of ornamental plants: Comparing the accuracy of phenological predictions based on a generalized model, optimized models, and calendar days
D0101 Effects of imidacloprid (Merit® 2F) on physiology of woody plants and performance of twospotted spider mite, fall webworm, and imported willow leaf beetle
D0229 Ability of plant stress volatiles to trigger attacks by the nursery-infesting black stem borer, Xylosandrus germanus