Tuesday, December 11, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM

Pacific Salon One, Golden Pacific Ballroom, First Floor (Town & Country)

Symposium: Harmonizing Laboratory Methods to Evaluate Potential Effects of GM Crops on Non-target Arthropods

Organizer(s): Richard L. Hellmich, Richard.Hellmich@ARS.USDA.GOV
Joerg Romeis, joerg.romeis@art.admin.ch
Laura S. Higgins, laura.higgins@pioneer.com
1:30 PM Introductory Remarks
1:35 PM 1004IOBC process for assessing potential risks of insect-resistant GM crops on non-target arthropods
J�rg Romeis, joerg.romeis@art.admin.ch
1:55 PM 1005Challenges with adapting lab bioassays to test insecticidal proteins: An overview
Marco Candolfi, marco.candolfi@basf.com
2:15 PM1006Microbial test substances as surrogates for plant-expressed proteins: Testing equivalence and exposure
Alan Raybould, alan.raybould@syngenta.com
2:35 PM1007Advantage of harmonization to regulators
Zigfridas Vaituzis, Vaituzis.Zigfridas@epamail.epa.gov, Annabel Waggoner, waggoner.annabel@epamail.epa.gov, Robyn Rose, robyn.i.rose@aphis.usda.gov
2:55 PM1008Third World issues and challenges conducting NTA lab tests
Hector D. Quemada, hector.quemada@wmich.edu
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM1009Design of laboratory Tier I studies for environmental risk assessment: Learning from meta-analysis of published NTO studies of Bt crops
Jian Duan, jian.duan@ars.usda.gov, Robyn Rose, robyn.i.rose@aphis.usda.gov, Jonathan Lundgren, jlundgren@ngirl.ars.usda.gov, Steven Naranjo, steve.naranjo@ars.usda.gov, Galen P. Dively, galen@umd.edu, Michelle Marvier, mmarvier@scu.edu
3:50 PM1010Springtail and earthworm test systems
Michael Patnaude, mpatnaude@springbornsmithers.com
4:05 PM1011Lady beetle (Coleomegilla maculata) test systems
Laura S. Higgins, laura.higgins@pioneer.com
4:20 PM1012Standardized laboratory assay for assessing effects on honey bee larvae
Zachary Y. Huang, bees@msu.edu, Liangxian Sun
4:35 PM 1013Development of Tier-I toxicity assays for Orius insidiosus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) for assessing the risk of plant-incorporated protectants to non-target heteropterans
Joseph E. Huesing, joseph.e.huesing@monsanto.com, Jian Duan, jian.duan@ars.usda.gov, Debra Teixeira
4:50 PM 1014Current and future challenges in testing NTA: Industry perspective
Nicholas Storer, nstorer@dow.com, Marco Candolfi, candolfi.marco@bluewin.ch, Joseph E. Huesing, joseph.e.huesing@monsanto.com, Raymond Layton, raymond.layton@pioneer.com, Alan Raybould, alan.raybould@syngenta.com
5:10 PM Discussion

See more of Member Symposia
See more of The 2007 ESA Annual Meeting, December 9-12, 2007