Craig M. Shelton,, University of Arkansas, Department of Entomology, 2001 Highway 70 East, Lonoke, AR
Studies to determine the impact of thrips and nematodes on cotton were performed during the 2007 cotton growing season in Lonoke and Monroe counties Arkansas. Natural infestations of thrips and nematodes were studied at each location, although nematode species differed between locations. Root-knot nematode (Meliodogyne incognita) was the dominant nematode species in Lonoke County, while the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) was dominant in Monroe County. Tobacco thrips (Frankliniella fusca) was the dominant thrips species at both locations. Plots were established where only thrips were controlled, only nematodes were controlled, both were controlled and neither were managed. In the thrips-controlled treatments, seed was treated with Gaucho Grande� (imidacloprid) and Bidrin� (dicrotophos) was applied to foliage when thrips were present. In the nematode-controlled treatments the fumigant nematicide Telone� (1, 3-dichloropropene) was applied two weeks prior to planting. Thrips populations, nematode numbers and plant monitoring parameters were recorded to measure the independent and combined effects of these pests on cotton. Independently, thrips and nematodes altered cotton growth and yield relative to plots where these pests were not managed. The combined impact of these two pest appears to be additive, but additional analyses are required to determine if a synergistic interaction occurred between thrips and nematodes.