Monday, December 10, 2007

Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) diversity of the Glaical Ridge National Wildlife Refuge: Species pools in a northern tallgrass prairie

Kristen Babcock, and Rodney Hanley, University of North Dakota, Department of Earth System Science and Policy, Box 9011, Grand Forks, ND

Ground beetle species richness was established within the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Minnesota from May through September of 2007. Composition of local species pools of four habitat types (calcareous fen, upland prairie, restored wetland, and natural wetland) were determined. To obtain the maximum level of diversity, several sampling methods were used within each habitat type; pitfall traps, blacklight traps, carrion traps, and hand collection. Ground beetles were successfully captured within each habitat type; yielding a total of 1500 specimens. Examples of the most numerous species and rarely collected species will be named and illustrated. After the 2008 collection season, the habitat specific species pools will be compared to one another and a modeled regional species pool to examine community structure and overall diversity patterns.