Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Living on the edge: Carabidae diversity and distribution across an ag-forest ecotone

Timothy W. Leslie,, Penn State University, Department of Entomology, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA, Shelby Fleischer,, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Entomology, University Park, PA, David J. Biddinger,, Pennsylvania State University - Fruit Research & Extension Center, Entomology, 290 University Dr, Biglerville, PA, Jason R. Rohr, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Entomology, 542 ASI Building, University Park, PA, and Robert Davidson, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, 4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA.

Species 1: Coleoptera Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus
Species 2: Coleoptera Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus