Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Riffle beetle sensitivity to low pH and their role as bioindicators of acid mine impacted streams

Jared Renner,, Ryan Forbes, and Kelly Johnson, Ohio University, Biological Sciences, Wilson Hall, Athens, OH

Riffle beetles (Elmidae:Coleoptera) are commonly used as biological indicators of unpolluted, well-aerated stream conditions. However, macroinvertebrate samples from streams in southeastern Ohio (N > 40) revealed high densities of riffle beetles at sites impacted by high acid, sulfur and metal loadings. In laboratory assays, adult Stenelmis, Macronychus and Dubiraphia tolerated acute acid exposure (pH=3.0 for 72 h) with little or no mortality (< 5%). Riffle beetles appear to be much more tolerant of acid mine pollutants than other anthropogenic stressors from agricultural or industrial/urban activities.

Species 1: Coleoptera Elmidae Stenelmis spp (riffle beetle)
Species 2: Coleoptera Elmidae Dubiraphia spp (riffle beetle)
Species 3: Coleoptera Elmidae Macronychus spp (riffle beetle)