Amanda K Hodson, akhodson@ucdavis.edu1, Edwin E. Lewis, eelewis@ucdavis.edu1, and Joel P. Siegel, jsiegel@fresno.ars.usda.gov2. (1) University of Califonia - Davis, Entomology, 479 Hutchison Hall, University of Califonia Davis, Davis, CA, (2) USDA, San Joaquin Valley Agr Sci Ctr, 9611 S Riverbend Ave, Parlier, CA
Entomopathogenic nematodes can reduce pesticide reliance in pistachios by controlling overwintering navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella. But, beyond this, their influence in pistachio soil food webs is unclear. By affecting soil arthropods, nematodes could indirectly affect nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Predatory arthropods could correspondingly decrease nematode survival and efficacy. We compared diversity in soil samples collected from 26 treated and 26 control trees one week after the nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, was applied through the irrigation system at a rate of 5 X 108/acre. We found no effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on the abundance and diversity of common collembolan and mite families.
Species 1: Nematoda Steinernematidae
Steinernema carpocapsaeSpecies 2: Lepidoptera Pyralidae
Amyelois transitella (navel orangeworm)