Cynthia L. Hsu, clh33@cornell.edu1, Denis A. Shah, das28@cornell.edu2, Marc Fuchs, mf13@cornell.edu2, Christy Hoepting, cah59@cornell.edu3, Anthony M. Shelton, ams5@cornell.edu1, and Brian Nault, ban6@cornell.edu1. (1) NYSAES, Cornell University, Dept. of Entomology, 630 W. North Street, Geneva, NY, (2) Cornell University, NYSAES, Dept. Plant Pathology, 630 W. North St, Geneva, NY, (3) Orleans County CCE, Cornell Regional Vegetable Program, 12690 Rte 31, Albion, NY
Species 1: not available Bunyaviridae
Tospovirus (iris yellow spot virus, IYSV)
Species 2: Thysanoptera Thripidae
Thrips tabaci (onion thrips)
Species 3: Liliales Liliaceae
Allium cepa (onion)