Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - 3:35 PM

Influence of symbiotic bacteria on entomopathogenic nematode-host interactions

James Campbell, james.campbell@ars.usda.gov, USDA-ARS-GMPRC, Biological Research Unit, 1515 College Av, Manhattan, KS, Jayne M. Christen, jmc1639@ksu.edu, Kansas State University, Department of Biochemistry, Manhattan, KS, David Shapiro-Ilan, dshapiro@saa.ars.usda.gov, USDA-ARS, SE Fruit and Tree Nut Research Laboratory, 21 Dunbar Road, Byron, GA, and Edwin E. Lewis, eelewis@ucdavis.edu, University of California, Davis, Nematology, Entomology, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA.

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Species 1: Rhabditida Steinernematidae Steinernema riobrave